The lovely Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016 graced my studio a few days ago and I decided I would be remiss not to post about it. She does a lot of Miss Universe related activity and photo shoots are part of this. Her entourage came in and once she was ready we proceeded to do several costumes including swim suits and gowns. I will post up a few of the photos below.
BTW Please use the hash tags below to follow her. All the best at the big competition!
Lastly: If you do follow my site, DO come back again soon or follow me on Facebook (search for “grant corban”). I have an exciting post coming up in a few weeks with photos from this session and a few others that I can’t post now. Yes…a bit mysterious but I am sworn to secrecy about something coming up.
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Kiran Jassal, Miss Universe Malaysia 2016
Hi Grant,
Thanks for your X-T2 review. I’m very interested in the camera and Fuji system. It looks like you’re in Malaysia (your website doesn’t actually say where you are based – you might want to add that information to your contact page), and it seems you have the benefit of a lot of beautiful natural light for many of your jobs.
I’m a photographer based in NYC and evening / night time weddings are held in dark reception halls sometimes with lots of dark wood to boot. Here weddings and bar mitzvahs definitely require on camera flash especially during the colder months. I’m using Nikon D700 cameras with SB-900 speedlights and I bounce the flash 90% of the time behind me or to the side which gives me a beautiful quality of light. The Nikon flash system handles this very well. I also use one or two speedlights off camera to light the room if needed and I use Pocket Wizards to fire them. Despite this, the Nikon TTL system isn’t fooled by these room lights set to 1/8 or 1/16 manual power.
How is the Fuji X system with on camera flash? With bounce flash? Did Fuji send you a Fujifilm EF-X500 Flash to test? Have you used the Metz Mecablitz 44 AF-2 Digital Flash with a Fuji X camera? Would the Fuji TTL system be fooled by room lights firing at the same time as an on camera TTL flash?
My second question is whether or not it’s possible to disable AF from the shutter button and to have one of the rear buttons be an AF-ON button. Many Nikon cameras have that option and I tend to use the AF-ON button exclusively for focus.
Thanks for any insights you may have regarding these topics!
Hi Tom, I am a New Zealander based in Malaysia. I shoot world wide but yes I will look into editing my bio at some stage.
You and I shoot similarly, using off camera flash with pocket wizards, though I have moved to the smaller Phottix triggers for many jobs now. I am guessing that since you are using D700s that you are now starting to look at upgrade paths. As for me I sold my D3 as soon as I handled the X-T1 and it was mostly a good experience. Low light AF could be very iffy and the early Fuji flashes didn’t utilise any sort of AF assist and the continuous focus and face recognition could bounce you around a lot. The X-T2 seems to have fixed this.
I have not yet used the new fuji flash system, but I hope it brings the Fuji flash system up to pa with everyone else as this has been a weak link. I will post something if I get a hold of one.
As far as rear button focus, yes you can. It could also be done on the XPro1 and XT1…and likely some of the other Fujis. What you do is set the camera on Manual focus on the front of camera. Then use the rear AF/AE button to engage the focus motor. Head down to B& H and test it yourself.
So, should you go for an X-T2. Some wedding photographers have and been very successful at switching. The AF speed issues in low light, notably due to the lack of proper AF auto assist, made me balk with the XT1. I am using a prototype with prototype firmware but it is looking promising. Right now I usually bring the D750 or 5Dmk3 with me, AND the Fuji. I use the Fuji for available light and the larger camera for my remote lights. If you get a D750 I think you will love it. The Nikons also have the advantage currently if you shoot tethered as this is still being worked out by Adobe and Fuji. But for everything else, portraits, landscapes, TV assignments (I sometimes shoot on set and need a silent camera) I bring the Fujis (XT1 & XT2). I don’t know if you have the luxury to have two systems, but if you do a stepping stone for you would be to use the XT2 with a 35mm f1.4 on an R-Strap. The lens has a character I was surprised by, as I usually don’t like 50mm primes on my Canons or Fujis.
Hope that helps.