Nice Day for a Wild Beach Wedding at the Four Seasons Resort Langkawi

Destination Beach Wedding at the Four Seasons Langkawi

Destination Beach Wedding at the Four Seasons Langkawi

Reg and Lisa chose to celebrate their day with a destination beach wedding at the Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi. It is easily my favourite beach wedding location. The afternoon kicked off with a Chinese Tea Ceremony in the Rhu bar. We then went to the Spa for wedding portraits before getting ready for the sunset beach wedding.As can be seen in a couple of the photos the sun was very low in the sky before we even got started, so the portraits were mostly photographed in the twilight.  The wedding dinner was at the Serai Restaurant. Good weather. Great couple with “Funtastic” friends too.

Chinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiChinese Tea Ceremony at the Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons in LangkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portraits at the spa in Four Seasons langkawiWedding portrait location at Four Seasons langkawiWedding portrait location at Four Seasons langkawiWedding portrait location at Four Seasons langkawiWedding portrait location at Four Seasons langkawiWedding car buggy at the four seasons langkawirose flower petals sunset wedding at the four seasons langkawisunset wedding at the four seasons langkawisunset wedding at the four seasons langkawisunset wedding at the four seasons langkawisunset wedding at the four seasons langkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiWedding flowers at the Four Seasons LangkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiBeach Wedding at the Four Seasons LangkawiWedding Portraits on the Beach at the Four Seasons LangkawiWedding Portraits on the Beach at the Four Seasons Langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

Wedding dinner banquet at the

wedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

Wedding at Four Seasons Langkawi – Dominic and Lauren

Dominic and Laurens wedding at the Four Seasons Langkawi. This is a second post on this wedding, a transfer from my old site which has more than 100 more photos. Please note that as the following images are a transfer from my old website that they are of lower resolution than my newer postings. That said I do know they look great on my iPhone 6.

Dominic and Lauren’s wedding at the Four Seasons Langkawi

wedding portraits at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Dominic and Lauren contacted me to be their wedding couple for their destination beach resort wedding…at where else? The Four Seasons Langkawi. They were a really very sweet couple and had a touching wedding on the beach conducted by one of their friends who flew in from the USA.  Lauren had thought things out well. She had brought print outs on how she wanted her hair and make up to look which really helped the makeup and hair stylists. Another great idea was printing out name badges for everyone. You know how awkward it can be to be faced with a lot of new strangers/friends and remembering every ones name can be a chore. This was a simple fix!

Fortunately it wasn’t crazy hot on this occasion however I still remember how hard it was to run up the beach and stairs to get the wide overlooking photo featured in the set below. Why run? Beach and “modern” weddings are really fast! 5-10 minutes max for the ceremony, so its a good idea to have two photographers (like we usually do) to get as many angles as quickly as possible.

Regarding the dinner: In the Serai which is where it often is. There was a karaoke going most of the night and I think everyone except me had a turn! lots of fun and the party just didn’t stop. Exactly how I like them.

Hope you enjoy the photos.

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Lauren making sure the bouquet is perfect

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Final touches

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Lauren and her mum.

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

The calm before the storm…well not quite. No storm. Party on the horizon tho.

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Dom looking slightly anxious. All grooms are a wee bit.

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

All thats missing is…..

Bride at Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

….the bride. And here she comes

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Handing over responsibility

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

One of their friends is a Minister so she conducted the service

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

A better view of the wedding location

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Exchanging wedding vows

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

The ring exchange

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Of course we need a kiss

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

We’re married! Can relax now.

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

All done and time for a kiss

Group photo at a Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Group photo on the beach

wedding portraits at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Portraits when the sun sets. In the tropics the sun sets VERY fast.

wedding portraits at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

A more relaxed portrait

Beach wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Excellent way of avoiding those awkward moments when two families meet the first time.

wedding dinner menu at the Four Seasons Hotel Resort on Langkawi Malaysia

Classy dinner menu

wedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawiwedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

I think by the end of the night everyone had sung at the karaoke

wedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

Cutting the cake

wedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

A thank you for a great evening

wedding dinner banquet at the serai restaurant in the four seasons langkawi

Final wishes

A wedding in City Harvest Church KL and dinner at the Holiday Inn Glenmarie

Kevin and Monica’s wedding was at the first City Harvest Church in Subang. The old building was never a great place to shoot, with everything  dark and blue, there being no windows whatsoever and the sewage aeration ponds across the road. Not nice! This is quite different from their new location which is such a nice set up for weddings that it is difficult to get a bad photo there. Despite that, it was always a favorite church to shoot in, being one of the more lively and “happening” churches in KL. You will also see our additional lighting in some of these photos. This was years before radio strobes became popular. You will also see a very young Pastor Kevin Loo.

After the main ceremony we headed to the Holiday Inn, Glenmarie, for the Chinese tea ceremonies and dinner banquet. You will also notice in one of these photos my good friend Louis Pang (a wedding photographer from KK) and I posing for a shot. He is one of the relatives and also in the tea ceremony photos.

Please note the following images are a transfer from my old website and therefore may be of lower resolution than later postings. I do know they will look great on your phone.

Ben and Gemma’s Wedding at Tortworth Court Hotel, Gloucestershire

Grant Corban arranging a very large group photo at Tortworth Court, Cotswalds
Grant Corban arranging a very large group photo at Tortworth Court, Cotswalds
Grant Corban marshalling a very large group photo at Tortworth Court, Cotswalds

Ben and Gemma celebrated their wedding at Tortworth Court Hotel in Gloucestershire.  in the Cotswalds, just north of the city of Bristol, England. They planned on a long day with three ceremonies which made it a grand affair. The day started with the typical preparation of the bride, hair and make up, then proceeded to the three different wedding ceremonies!  The first was a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, full of the colours and fragrances of India. After a quick change we moved into a civil registration of marriage (often referred to in its abbreviated form “ROM”), and then finishing up with an Anglican ceremony of blessing.

Once done we took the couple for portraits and group photos around this beautiful manor. Gemma made a stunning bride and Ben was Mr GQ all the way!

The dinner later in the evening was sumptuous, the wedding speeches very funny (spot the laughing and happy faces) and the bridal bouquet toss a scream. The night finished in the wee hours after a lot of dancing and some after party drinks at the on location pub. The last of us went to bed only after dawns early light came filtering in the window. It was a very memorable wedding.

While I live in Asia, (how a Kiwi ended up there is another story altogether) I am frequently asked to travel to cover weddings overseas, whether in the UK, USA, Australia, or elsewhere in the region. There are several reasons for this. Usually it is because a couple have seen us cover their friends wedding and like our style and personableness. In the large group photo above I can see one of our former couples and the parents of another couple who engaged us because of my willingness to assist him with his camera so he could get nice photos of the wedding. It’s these sort of things that are hard to put a value on.

Another factor is that we are not clock watchers. We have no homes to go back to for the evening, so the whole focus of our trip is to make sure you get good photos.

Lastly our unobtrusiveness is a welcome change to what is often seen in weddings. This is because we do this full time, and have been doing it for many years with well over 500 weddings under our belts. People like that experience. Our fees are also very affordable and fit most people’s budget. In fact I think we have never been out of anyones price range for an overseas shoot to date. So if you are looking for someone to cover your day, do drop me a line.

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Tortworth Court Hotel Gloucestershire

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

The day before the wedding we took the opportunity for some quick portraits

indian, hindu, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Gemma’s all set in her saree

indian, hindu, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Don’t the girls look stunning!

indian, hindu, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Ben and his parents

indian, hindu, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

This boys gaze is magical

saree, sari, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

We owe this wedding to this lovely lady’s recommendation

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding, reception, area

The reception area between ceremonies

father, bride, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Gemma and her dad get ready for the second wedding ceremony

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

A classic. I love this photo.

flower, girl, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

The flower girls were priceless

ring, exchange,Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Ben’s pretty happy the ring fits!

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

The expressions tell the story

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

The kids nearly stole the show

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Family photo with both parents

Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding, group, photo

Arranging the big one. Need to be fast, friendly and a good eye for detail.

portrait, garden, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Portraits around the grounds

portrait, garden, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Ben and Gem were on top of the world

portrait, garden, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

So you can see more of the venue

portrait, gardens, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

The gardens and the lighting were perfect

portrait, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

We prefer to let our couples relax and enjoy themselves while taking portraits.

pub, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

We all retired to the Tortworth’s pub for a refreshing pint.

food, dessert, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Just desserts

speeches, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

These guys were shockingly funny

speeches, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Everyone was in stitches with the speeches. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to hold my camera steady enough to shoot!

wedding, cake, Tortworth, Court, Hotel, Gloucestershire, wedding

Cutting the wedding cake

Property of Grant Corban Photography Sdn Bhd (666138-V)