His Royal Highness Prince Andrew the Duke of York is visiting Malaysia currently and carrying out many of the diplomatic functions he does on a regular basis. This visit to Malaysia has a very heavy schedule and included visiting the war graves of troops who fought and died in the defense of Malaya. Monday evening he was scheduled to be the at the Mandarin Oriental hotel, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur to address the Alumni of the University of Huddersfield. The event was hosted by the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and I was asked to be the photographer to cover the event. Below are some of the images from the event.

Prince Andrew going through the University of Huddersfield promotional material

The Brexit vote happened only last week so people were very keen to hear what the Prince had to say.

Prince Andrew talking about the needs for closer ties with Malaysia

Prince Andrew gave a good case for Malaysian students to study in the University of Huddersfield.

Prince Andrew also encouraged the Alumni to keep their ties with the University of Huddersfield active.

Alumni were very keen to meet the Prince after the meeting

Prince Andrew sharing thoughts with one of the attendees