Fuji X-Pro1 at a Passion Road Wedding

Bride and Grooms portrait: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO3200. It was twilight!

Too early to comment too much on the Fuji X-Pro1 for now but I brought one along with the 35mm lens to a wedding at Passion Road in Ampang to use along side our pro-cameras. I will let the images speak for themselves, but I think I like it.

Bride's sister photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO1250

Bride’s sister photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO1250

Bride's shoes photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO640

Bride’s shoes photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO640

Champagne bottle photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/40sec, F2.8, ISO3200

Champagne bottle photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/40sec, F2.8, ISO3200

Testing the out of focus effect with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.8, ISO3200

Testing the out of focus effect with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.8, ISO3200

Testing the shallow depth of field with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO1250

Testing the shallow depth of field with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO1250

Testing the speed of focus on the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO640

Testing the speed of focus on the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO640

Bride getting ready. Shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO3200

Bride getting ready. Shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F2.2, ISO3200

Getting arty. Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/220sec, F2.2, ISO400

Getting arty. Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/220sec, F2.2, ISO400

Dapper groom. Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/60sec, F1.4, ISO400. Nice bokeh.

Dapper groom. Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/60sec, F1.4, ISO400. Nice bokeh.

Wedding Lamborghini detail shots: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/120sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Wedding Lamborghini detail shots: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/120sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Table detail shot: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/150sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Table detail shot: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/150sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Wedding cake: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Wedding cake: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO400.

Flower girl: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO800.

Flower girl: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO800.

Bride and Grooms portrait: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO3200. It was twilight!

Bride and Grooms portrait: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO3200. It was twilight!

Dinner candid: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO1600.

Dinner candid: Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/50sec, F1.4, ISO1600.

Property of Grant Corban Photography Sdn Bhd (666138-V)