I was asked to take behind the scenes photos for a TV production called “Family Kitchen” starring Sherson Lian which is shown on the Asian Food Channel. The photo shoot was for 4 days and part of the brief necessitated shooting and moving quietly while the TV camera’s were rolling. I looked at my equipment and it was a no brainer that I leave the professional looking DSLRs at home and take my Fuji X-T1.
Why the X-T1? Because it is quiet. In fact it is absolutely SILENT, which was an essential requirement for this coverage. Auto focus is also fast, shutter response very good, and if I needed to rapidly fire off a burst it can shoot at 8 frames per second. There is also the further benefit that due to the “wysiwyg” screen (what you see is what you get) I could also rely on the jpegs coming out of the camera being accurate to what I was seeing in the viewfinder. I was very happy with the ease of use and the unobtrusiveness of the camera. In the photos below you will see just how crowded it was!
On the final day I brought a normal DSLR just for the change in shooting experience and it was amusing when someone mentioned I had brought the “professional” camera for the final day. I think this is one of those cases I have heard Zak Arias mention on his blog…. that the issue isn’t that the X-T1 cannot shoot professional images, it’s that people’s perception is the bigger the camera the better.