“Do you cry at weddings?” The question floored me. On Thursday while we were shooting sports equipment one of the fitness trainers come models asked me what I normally shoot. When I said “weddings” she said it must be a lot of fun (and it is!) and immediately asked THE question. I am not often speechless but this really made me stop and think. For me, weddings ARE about the emotion of the day and then it hit me right between the eyes. While I grew up in a country and time where men DON’T show their emotions, I realised that more often then not I really do get that lump in my throat during a moving speech, a secret look between the bride and groom, or perhaps knowing the wedding has been moved to an earlier date because mum or dad are nearing the end of their fight with cancer or some other terminal disease.
So YES, I can answer. I do cry at weddings quite a lot, only in my own private way.