John and Mindy’s wedding was a fusion of both Chinese and Christian traditions. John and his friends did the traditional bargaining and collection of the bride before having a tea ceremony then off to church. The wedding was held in St. John’s Cathedral in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. It’s a nice church with stained glass windows and an airy atmosphere. Afterward the wedding banquet was planned for the Royal Chulan hotel. The Royal Chulan has several areas for wedding dinners, with one of the popular venues the being the glass roofed central court which is what was used this evening. It is a personal favourite location for me due to its openness. It has a certain “feel” I can’t quite articulate. Photos below.
Mindy’s make up session started early in the morning.
Chilli Padi and Wasabi. Gauranteed to get the heart racing.
Mindy and her parents before leaving for the wedding ceremony at St Johns.
Blow the flour. Find the house key. White faces all around.
Mindy looked stunning. Beautiful gown.
Mindy’s pretty bridal bouquet
Traditional Chinese Tea set
Angpow stands at the ready
St Johns Cathedral in the heart of Kuala Lumpur
Flowers and Stained glass. Gotta be a wedding happening in the next hour.
Mindy waits to head down the aisle
Mindy prepares to walk down the aisle
The flower girl was super cute
Sometimes black and white photography works best for church weddings.
John and Mindy exchange rings in St Johns Cathedral
Mindy was not going to leave church without getting that ring on!
It’s over! We are married!
Bubbles are a viable alternative to confetti
Bubbles and a confirmation kiss. We are married.
Classic portraits
Full length portrait
Simply Beautiful
The wedding cake looked pretty fancy
Interesting table ornaments
Small and tastfull wedding guest favours
I don’t normally put up decor shots but I loved the colour of the chair sashes
Overview photo of the central court banquet area in the Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
John and Mindy’s grand entrance at the Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
The grooms mum having a great time
Always mix with your wedding guests. It gives great photo opportunities. Yum Seng!!
Mindy’s second entrance in a gorgeous evening gown!
Mindy looked stunning
Speech time.
Attractive setting for the speech
Sometimes you just need a woman’s touch. Mindy lends a helping hand to help John pop the cork!
Yum Seng!